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1. 用英語寫餃子的做法

怎樣包餃子, put the Jiaozi one by one into the water and cover the pot。用手揉麪團. When you see the Jiaozi floating in boiling water. When steam comes out;水開時,將做餃餡。



The third step is to make the wrappings, get the chopsticks and be ready to eat,即可食用。

第3步, then go on to make the fillings.

The fourth step is to put the fillings in the middle of a wrapping。餃子包夠了,放入調味品如姜,一個餃子就做成了. Roll the dough with a round stick into small round pieces of wrappings. When the dough is ready。用擀麪杖擀出一張張直徑爲兩英寸的圓餃皮, mushrooms and shrimps till they are mixed in a paste?

Jiaozi is my favourite food,捏緊餃皮,盛入碗中,和麪盆要大些. Put a pot of water on the stove,直到不粘手爲止。


第4步How to Make Jiaozi. When the water is boiling,鍋中放上水,一個一個地把餃子放入開水中, leave it there for use later,先用水和麪,水開時.

That is the last step。和好面以後.

The second step is to mince the meat?

餃子是我喜歡的食物,擱在爐竈上燒, add more cold water and when it boils again add cold water a second time,下一步就是煮餃子. When you have made enough Jiaozi. The container shculd be big enough lest the flour and water will overflow, you can put them in bowls or plates, each two inches in diameter,將蘑菇和蝦米攪拌成糊狀。水冒氣時,做餃皮,並把餡攪勻、蔥,準備好碗筷,剁肉餡. Then press the wrapping tight and a jiaozi is ready,以免水和麪溢出,共有5個步驟. Press the dough with your hands till it is not sticky。從童年起我就學會了包餃子,把餡放入餃皮中. Add some spice such as ginger and onion and stir them evenly。當餃子漂浮上來時,蓋上鍋蓋. Since childhood I have learned how to make it.

First you make the dough by mixing water into the flour,要加些冷水,再加第2次冷水, the next step is to boil them。

第2步. There are five steps

2. 用英語寫餃子的做法

How to Make Jiaozi?

Jiaozi is my favourite food. Since childhood I have learned how to make it. There are five steps.

First you make the dough by mixing water into the flour. The container shculd be big enough lest the flour and water will overflow. Press the dough with your hands till it is not sticky. When the dough is ready, leave it there for use later, then go on to make the fillings.

The second step is to mince the meat, mushrooms and shrimps till they are mixed in a paste. Add some spice such as ginger and onion and stir them evenly.

The third step is to make the wrappings. Roll the dough with a round stick into small round pieces of wrappings, each two inches in diameter.

The fourth step is to put the fillings in the middle of a wrapping. Then press the wrapping tight and a jiaozi is ready. When you have made enough Jiaozi, the next step is to boil them.

That is the last step. Put a pot of water on the stove. When the water is boiling, put the Jiaozi one by one into the water and cover the pot. When steam comes out, add more cold water and when it boils again add cold water a second time. When you see the Jiaozi floating in boiling water, you can put them in bowls or plates, get the chopsticks and be ready to eat.








3. 如何做餃子——用英語描述

How to Make Dumplings

Dumplings is my favourite food. Since childhood I haw learned how to make it. There are five steps.

First you make the dough by mixing water into the flour. The container shculd be big enough lest the flour and water will overflow. Press the dough with your hands till it is not sticky. When the dough is ready, leave it there for use later, then go on to make the fillings.

The second step is to mince the meat, mushrooms and shnmps till they are mixed in a paste. Add some spice such as ginger and onion and stir them evenly.

The third step is to make the wrappings. Roll the dough with a round stick into small round pieces of wrappings, each two inches in diameter.

The fourth step is to put the filling in the middle of a wrapping. Then press the wrapping tight and a jiaozi is ready. When you have made enough dumplings, the next step is to boil them.








That is the last step. Put a pot of water on the stove. When the water is boiling, put the dumplings one by one into the water and cover the pot. When steam comes out, add more cold water and when it boils again add cold water a second time. When you see the dumplings floating in boiling water, you can put them in bowls or plates, get the chopsticks and be ready to eat.

4. 餃子的做法用英語怎麼寫,只需五、六句即可

How to make dumplings?This is a complicated process. In general, dumplings are made of meat (pork, beef, mutton, etc. ) and vegetable (leek, squash, etc): First, you need to chop up meat and vegetables and mix them together. The main step in this stage is to add proper quantity of spices——salt, soy sauce, gourmet, sesame oil and so on, and stir them evenly. The third stage is to roll out dumpling wrappers, and knead drmplings. So far, dumplings are made ready. The only stage left is to put them into boiling water. After a few minutes, you can ladle them out of water and serve them with vinegar or soy sauce.。

5. 包餃子的英語作文怎麼寫

First you make the dough by mixing water into the flour. The container shculd be big enough lest the flour and water will overflow. Press the dough with your hands till it is not sticky. When the dough is ready, leave it there for use later, then go on to make the fillings.

The second step is to mince the meat, mushrooms and shnmps till they are mixed in a paste. Add some spice such as ginger and onion and stir them evenly.

The third step is to make the wrappings. Roll the dough with a round stick into small round pieces of wrappings, each two inches in diameter.

The fourth step is to put the filling in the middle of a wrapping. Then press the wrapping tight and a jiaozi is ready. When you have made enough Jiaozi, the next step is to boil them.

That is the last step. Put a pot of water on the stove. When the water is boiling, put the Jiaozi one by one into the water and cover the pot. When steam comes out, add more cold water and when it boils again add cold water a second time. When you see the Jiaozi floating in boiling water, you can put them in bowls or plates, get the chopsticks and be ready to eat.






Tags:餃子 英語