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苗族,現有人口740萬人,主要分佈在貴州、湖南、雲南、湖北、海南、廣西等省(區)。主要從事農業。刺繡、挑花、織錦、蠟染和銀飾,享譽盛名。 苗族聚居的苗嶺山脈和武陵山脈氣候溫和,山環水繞,大小田壩點綴其間。出產水稻、玉米、穀子、小麥、棉花、烤煙、油菜、油桐等。除此,還蘊藏着豐富的木材資源和礦產資源。 苗族的先祖可追溯到原始社會時代活躍於中原地區的蚩尤部落。商周時期,苗族先民便開始在長江中下游建立“三苗國”,從事農業稻作。苗族在歷史上多次遷徙,大致路線是由黃河流域至湘(湖南)、至黔(貴州)、至滇(雲南)。 苗族有自己的語言,屬漢藏語系苗瑤語族苗語支。原先無民族文字,2 0 世紀5 0 年代後期創制了拉丁化拼音文字。現今大部分人通用漢文。

苗族用英語怎麼說 用英文介紹苗族文化習俗


Miao, the existing population of 740 people, mainly in Guizhou, Hunan, Yunnan, Hubei, Hainan, Guangxi and other provinces (regions). Mainly engaged in agriculture. Cross stitch, embroidery, tapestry, batik and silverware, renowned.

Miao Miaoling inhabited mountains and Wuling mountains, mild climate, mountain water around the ring, the size of Tian BA embellished. Production of rice, corn, millet, wheat, cotton, tobacco, rape, Buzura etc.. In addition to this, it also contains a wealth of timber resources and mineral resources.

Miao ancestors can be traced back to the primitive society active in the Central Plains region of the Chi You tribe. Shang and Zhou dynasties, Miao ancestors began to establish "three seedlings in the Yangtze River downstream country", engaged in rice agriculture. Miao in the history of many times of migration, the general route is from the the Yellow River River to the Xiang (Hunan), to Guizhou (Guizhou), to (Yunnan).

Miao people have their own language, belonging to sinotibetan language family -- Miao Yao branch. Originally no national text, in late 1950s to create a Latin alphabet text. The most common Chinese people.

Miao music and dance has a long history, popular Lusheng dance, art is very high. Cross stitch, embroidery, tapestry, batik, jewelry making and other arts and crafts, Miao colorful, enjoys a high reputation in the world. Miao festival grand festival is more, there have been "Miao", "April eight", "Dragon Boat Festival".