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1. memo的格式跟寫信一樣嗎



一、memo(備忘錄)的介紹 memo(備忘錄)總體上應包括這幾部分:To, From, Date, Subject以及正文部分。具體而言:1、To: 備忘錄對象 如果具體到人,最好寫出全名,尤其不能“重名”,如Bill Tom,Bill和Tom都是名(Given name),而不是姓(Family name),一個簡單的處理方法就是use others name,比如男名Bill Gates,Michael Scofield, Jay Chou或女名Britney Spears, Jennifer Aniston等;若顯示關係親密,還可以把名字縮寫,比如B. Gates, M. Scofield, J. Chou, B. Spears, J. Aniston等;如果寫給上級,還應該加上尊稱甚至職位,比如Mr. Bill Gates — Managing Director, Mr. Jay Chou — Art Director等;現代商務寫作中流行開放標點(Open Punctuation),即標點不影響理解的時候可以不用,所以Mr./Ms./Mrs.後面的省略點也可以省去,簡單寫成Mr/Ms/Mrs;最好不要省去名字。

2、From: 備忘錄作者 要點同上,一般不用尊稱,只有對方不知道自己身份的時候才後綴職位名稱。3、Date: 日期 BEC屬於英聯邦國家的考試,日期的寫法一般爲日、月、年,比如7 December 2002,注意月份用英文而不是數字,以免和日期混淆,可以縮寫,比如將一月寫作Jan(也可以用開放標點)。

二、memo的範文:From: Olive HR Manager To: All staff Date: 12 June, 2008 Subject: Appointment of Francisco Here we announce the appointment of Mrs. Francisco as our new Sales Manager of the Headquarter. She will be starting her job next Monday morning. There will be a small welcome party by 9:00 that day so everyone please be on time.三、Memo備忘錄寫作方法:寫作之前要考慮以下因素:Who is going to read my memo?What has the reader already known about this?What does the reader need to know?How is the reader going to respond my memo?四、範文示例 To: All Staff From: Bill Gates Date: 7 December 2002 Subject: Staff Reward The profits of our company this month went up 10% compared with the same period last year, due to your hard work and long working hours. I would like to thank you for your long devoted service. A trip to Hawaii has been arranged next month as a prize. Enjoy!memo英文格式怎麼寫?memo,意思爲備忘錄,英文格式如下:TO: (readers' names and job titles) FROM: (your name and job title) DATE: (complete and current date) SUBJECT: (what the memo is about, highlighted in some way)。

2. memo英文格式怎麼寫


From: Olive HR Manager

To: All staff

Date: 12 June, 2008

Subject: Appointment of Francisco

Here we announce the appointment of Mrs. Francisco as our new Sales Manager of the Headquarter. She will be starting her job next Monday morning. There will be a small welcome party by 9:00 that day so everyone please be on time.



Who is going to read my memo?

What has the reader already known about this?

What does the reader need to know?

How is the reader going to respond my memo?

3. 英文memo怎麼寫







我們目前練習寫的請假條,一般是向老師請事假或病假(“病假”一般用“sick leave”,“請病假”用“ask for sick leave”;“事假”一般用“leave of absence”),因此,請假條內容前一般應有“尊稱”,如:Dear Mr. Huang,Dear Miss Wang等;而“留言條”一般是委託別人或自己在某一場合直接留言,可以不寫“Dear”,只用姓或名,如果雙方不是很熟,可以使用全名。請假條和留言條最後都要有署名,請假條一般用:Your student,Wang Fei等;留言條只寫名字就可以。另外,請假條和留言條都應寫清請假或留言的具體時間。英文請假條和留言條的日期同一般書信一樣,習慣寫在右上角(現成格式的電話留言條除外)。請假條和留言條相比,留言條更簡單明瞭。請看例子:


March 10,2003

Dear Mrs. Wang,

I'm seriously ill today and can not come to class.I ask for sick leave of one day.

Your student,

Zhang Lihua


9 a.m.April 6


I'll leave by train at 8:00 a.m.tomorrow morning.This is to say good-bye to you.

Chen Mei


Telephone Message(or:TELEPHONE MESSAGE)

From:__________ To:__________

Date:__________ Time:__________







“轉交”一詞,英文一般用“care of”,但信封上多用縮寫式:c/o。如:班長收,煩請李平轉交。應寫爲:


c/o Li Ping

4. 如何寫MEMO

2.列出所有的關鍵詞 3.找出提示文中的邏輯關係 4.選擇風格、內容和連接詞 5.檢查(格式、詞彙和表達、內容資訊、簡潔與否) 排版: 空格(行)、大寫字型、主(副)題、字型、下劃線、數字、標題、小標題 、BULLETS 掌握了以上要點,一篇好的MEMO就能呈現出來了。

EXAMPL: Mr Conrad Krauze, Managing Director of Granby Plastics, New Jersey, USA, asks you to write a memo to Mrs Fay Molloy of the Derby UK branch of Granby Plastics. He says, "Send it to her by fax. Tell her that I confirm my e-mail of yesterday. I shall be visiting England in July. Derby will be visited on the 18th of that month . . . about 1030. . . certainly in the morning . . . on reflection it could be closer to 1100. The most important thing is that I shall have Miss Mary Bannon, the new Sales Director, with me. I shall want a tour of the branch and lunch. Miss Bannon will want to meet the sales staff . . . informally. Ask Mrs Molloy to confirm by return fax that she has received the memo."。

5. 如何寫好MEMO

首先分析要寫的任務 ??2.列出所有的關鍵詞 ??3.找出提示文中的邏輯關係 ??4.選擇風格、內容和連接詞 ??5.檢查(格式、詞彙和表達、內容資訊、簡潔與否)????排版:????空格(行)、大寫字型、主(副)題、字型、下劃線、數字、標題、小標題 、BULLETS ??掌握了以上要點,一篇好的MEMO就能呈現出來了。

????EXAMPL:????Mr Conrad Krauze, Managing Director of Granby Plastics, New Jersey, USA, asks you to write a memo to Mrs Fay Molloy of the Derby UK branch of Granby Plastics. He says, "Send it to her by fax. Tell her that I confirm my e-mail of yesterday. I shall be visiting England in July. Derby will be visited on the 18th of that month . . . about 1030. . . certainly in the morning . . . on reflection it could be closer to 1100. The most important thing is that I shall have Miss Mary Bannon, the new Sales Director, with me. I shall want a tour of the branch and lunch. Miss Bannon will want to meet the sales staff . . . informally. Ask Mrs Molloy to confirm by return fax that she has received the memo." ??????Model Answer:????To:Mrs Fay Molly ??From: Conrad Kranze ??Subject:Visit to UK ??Date: Oct.6,2005????I now confirm my yesterday's email.Please note: ??-I will visit England in July and arrive at Derby between 10.30 to 11.00am, 18th July. ??-Miss Mary Bonnon, the new sales Director will accompany me. ??-Please arrange a tour of branch and a quick lunch afterwards. ??-Finally,please arrange an informal meeting for Miss Bannon and sales staff.。

6. 商務英語memo的寫作格式












e.Subject:指的是主題,即這個memo主要是說哪方面的事情。這個單詞可以縮寫爲Sub。主題有時候也可以用Re:來表示。 Re是regarding 的縮寫,即這個memo是關於什麼內容的,也就是主題,它就等於subject。


7. 寫個MEMO(要格式)

Dear Colleagues,

Let me introduce you Ms. Francesca Bianchi, our new Sales Manager at Head Office. Francesca will start her work from next Monday. And her extension is 1234. She has 8 years of sales experience in this industry. So she is very professional. Let's welcome her joining, which makes our team more stronger.

Thanks for your attention!



Head of Personnel
