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1. 烏龜英語怎麼說

tortoise 英[ˈtɔ:tɪs] 美[ˈtɔrtɪs] 複數形式:tortoise n. 1.烏龜,陸龜 2.行動遲緩的人(或物) 名詞 n.The elephant dwarfed the tortoise.那隻烏龜跟那頭象相比就顯得很小。


The tortoise spends the winter months in hibernation.烏龜在冬眠中度過寒冬季節。The tortoise wins the race while the hare is sleeping.兔子正睡覺時,烏龜贏得了比賽。



2. "烏龜"的英語怎麼寫


1. tortoise


<mud-turtle> <terrapin> <snapping-turtle>


1. 他給我買了兩隻小烏龜。

He bought two small tortoises for me.

2. '你有什麼寵物嗎?'‘有, 我有三隻兔子和一隻烏龜.’

`Have you got any pets?' `Yes, I've got three rabbits and a tortoise.'

3. "你有什麼寵物嗎?""有,我有三隻兔子和一隻烏龜。"

"Have you got any pets?" "Yes, I've got three rabbits and a tortoise."

4. 烏龜以極其緩慢的速度爬行着。

The tortoise crept along at an agonizingly slow speed.

3. 孵蛋的英文怎麼說

hatch /hætʃ/ verb, noun 1 [V] ~ (out) (of a young bird, fish, insect, etc. 小鳥、小魚) to come out of an egg 孵出;出殼 : Ten chicks hatched (out) this morning. 今早有十隻小雞出殼了。

2 [V] ~ (out) (of an egg 蛋) to break open so that a young bird, fish, insect, etc. can come out 孵化;破殼 : The eggs are about to hatch. 這些蛋就要孵化了。 3 [VN] to make a young bird, fish, insect, etc. come out of an egg 使(小鳥、小魚、小蟲等)孵出 : The female must find a warm place to hatch her eggs. 母的必須找個溫暖的地方孵蛋。
