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tempt是一個動詞,意思是誘惑、引起,tempt這個單詞可以劃分爲幾個音節呢?我們一起來看一看,這個單詞是一個單音節單詞,這個單詞的發音爲【tempt】,我們再看一下用法,tempt作爲誘惑、引起的意思來使用,例如在下面這兩個句子裏,People can't stop smoking with cigarettes,still around to tempt them.,當吸菸者周圍存在有香菸誘惑時他們是不可能戒菸成功的,Over and over again,a bright sunbeam would tempt the busy child outside,明亮的陽光會一次又一次吸引外面忙碌的孩子;


在這兩個句子中,tempt指的是誘惑、引起,tempt還有一個短語,tempt fate,指的是蔑視命運、冒險、玩命,Yet many managers also don't want to tempt fate if they,have even a hint of trouble in their own companies,然而,許多主管也不想蔑視命運,如果他們有一絲麻煩自己的公司,tempt這個單詞你學會了嗎?

tempt翻譯 第2張

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