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1. 春夏秋冬的英文縮寫怎麼寫











2. 春天用英語怎麼讀

一、春天的英文是spring二、spring音標:英 [sprɪŋ] 美 [sprɪŋ] 三、spring釋義:1、n.春季;泉水,小溪;彈簧,彈性;跳躍例句:She had missed the glorious blooms of the Mediterranean spring. 她錯過了地中海春季鮮花怒放的絢麗美景。

2、vi.跳,躍;突然發出或出現;發源;劈開,裂開例句:There was a song in every heart; there was cheer in every face and a spring in every step!每個人的心裏都在唱一首歌,每個人的臉上都寫着快樂,每個人的步子都藏着跳躍!3、vt.突然跳出;跳過;使開裂例句:In the dusk, importunate beggars spring out of doorways, and sometimes I am persuaded that young men in dark suits are signalling my progress to each other on mobilephones, in readiness to pounce. 黃昏時分,糾纏不休的乞丐會突然跳出門口,有時我相信穿着深色衣服的年輕人會透過手機彼此聯繫,指出我的行走路線,做好攻擊我的準備。4、adj.春天的;彈簧的,有彈性的例句:The wire spring is evenly coiled. 這鋼絲彈簧繞得很均勻。

擴展資料:一、第三人稱單數: springs 二、複數: springs 三、現在分詞: springing 四、過去式: sprang 五、過去分詞: sprung六、spring與以下詞性連用1、adj.early spring早春2、adj.last spring去年春天3、adj.late spring晚春4、adj.next spring明年春天5、adj.warm spring暖春6、adj.cold spring冷泉7、adj.hot spring溫泉8、n.spring day春日9、n.spring flowers春花10、n.spring rains春雨11、n.spring term春季學期12、n.spring training春訓13、n.spring weather春令14、n.spring water泉水參考資料:百度百科-spring。

3. 豐子愷《春》的英文翻譯


但這完全是精神上的春,實際上雨雪霏霏,北風烈烈,與嚴冬何異?所謂迎春的人,也只是瑟縮地躲在房櫳內,戰慄地站在屋檐下,望望枯枝一般的梅花罷了! The plum blossoms began to show its beauty like the local people says that was some kind of prediction to the comming Spring.But all of that essay about the spring mainly refered to the spirtual espect,actually,a snowstorm was going on with cold north wind as well as the freezing winter.In otherwise explaination to that kind of people who always meet the comming spring are just keeping themselves inside the houses with the colded trembling hands and bodies or standing under the eaves,keeping their eyes on those plum blossoms on those dried old trees.再遲個把月罷,就象現在:驚蟄已過,所謂春將半了。住在都會裏的朋友想象此刻的鄉村,足有畫圖一般美麗,連忙寫信來催我寫春的隨筆。



天氣又忽晴忽雨,偶一出門,乾燥的鞋子往往拖泥帶水歸來。 One more monthes later like today: the Waking of Insects (3rd solar term) will have passed,half of the spring will have gone.,Fellows in the downtowns will have a nice scenery in their mind of the village at this moment,like a painting,very beautiful look,will enable me to write down the narration of the festival.Seems that I have indulged in it and provoke to be the one who make them jelous.In fact,people like us felt nothing about that romance,but suffered all the pains and uncomfortable:the Weather chart various in a day,gauged from 36 degrees celsius to 62 degrees celsius,warm and cold feeling come in that way.The time warm will remind us of the ice creams in the metropolitan.On the contrary,the situation of the low temperature will bring forth us the natural icy snow,a taste of sacrefice.Sometimes it goes to be sunny or rainy,the dried shoes will always be contaiminated by the muddy dust and water as soon as I walk outside.“一春能有幾番晴”是真的;“小樓一夜聽春雨”其實沒有什麼好聽,單調得很,遠不及你們都會裏的無線電的花樣繁多呢。

春將半了,但它並沒有給我們一點舒服,只教我們天天愁寒,愁暖,愁風,愁雨。正是“三分春色二分愁,更一分風雨!” It's really true feel like the verse,Who knows how many sunny days in such kind of spring;We stayed at that cabinet for listening the raindrops.Actually,there is nothing good to listen,how monotonous life it is!Far more worse than your wireless faciliated metropolitan.half of the spring has gone,we couldn't feel a little bit comfort,it just teach us to worry about the cold,warm,wind and rain.Another verses are formed in our mind,"Too much worries and bitter windstorms and storm rains in such beautiful spring,what will it be"! 時間不多,也不顧得有多少語法錯誤了,口語直譯與意譯結合,待你審覈與修改,謝謝你的美文,讓我增長不少見識.。

4. 豐子愷《春》的英文翻譯


但這完全是精神上的春,實際上雨雪霏霏,北風烈烈,與嚴冬何異?所謂迎春的人,也只是瑟縮地躲在房櫳內,戰慄地站在屋檐下,望望枯枝一般的梅花罷了! The plum blossoms began to show its beauty like the local people says that was some kind of prediction to the comming Spring.But all of that essay about the spring mainly refered to the spirtual espect,actually,a snowstorm was going on with cold north wind as well as the freezing winter.In otherwise explaination to that kind of people who always meet the comming spring are just keeping themselves inside the houses with the colded trembling hands and bodies or standing under the eaves,keeping their eyes on those plum blossoms on those dried old trees.再遲個把月罷,就象現在:驚蟄已過,所謂春將半了。住在都會裏的朋友想象此刻的鄉村,足有畫圖一般美麗,連忙寫信來催我寫春的隨筆。



天氣又忽晴忽雨,偶一出門,乾燥的鞋子往往拖泥帶水歸來。 One more monthes later like today: the Waking of Insects (3rd solar term) will have passed,half of the spring will have gone.,Fellows in the downtowns will have a nice scenery in their mind of the village at this moment,like a painting,very beautiful look,will enable me to write down the narration of the festival.Seems that I have indulged in it and provoke to be the one who make them jelous.In fact,people like us felt nothing about that romance,but suffered all the pains and uncomfortable:the Weather chart various in a day,gauged from 36 degrees celsius to 62 degrees celsius,warm and cold feeling come in that way.The time warm will remind us of the ice creams in the metropolitan.On the contrary,the situation of the low temperature will bring forth us the natural icy snow,a taste of sacrefice.Sometimes it goes to be sunny or rainy,the dried shoes will always be contaiminated by the muddy dust and water as soon as I walk outside.“一春能有幾番晴”是真的;“小樓一夜聽春雨”其實沒有什麼好聽,單調得很,遠不及你們都會裏的無線電的花樣繁多呢。

春將半了,但它並沒有給我們一點舒服,只教我們天天愁寒,愁暖,愁風,愁雨。正是“三分春色二分愁,更一分風雨!” It's really true feel like the verse,Who knows how many sunny days in such kind of spring;We stayed at that cabinet for listening the raindrops.Actually,there is nothing good to listen,how monotonous life it is!Far more worse than your wireless faciliated metropolitan.half of the spring has gone,we couldn't feel a little bit comfort,it just teach us to worry about the cold,warm,wind and rain.Another verses are formed in our mind,"Too much worries and bitter windstorms and storm rains in such beautiful spring,what will it be"! 時間不多,也不顧得有多少語法錯誤了,口語直譯與意譯結合,待你審覈與修改,謝謝你的美文,讓我增長不少見識.。
