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1、兒子:a persons male child


We have two sons and a daughter.我們有兩個兒子,一個女兒。

2、孩子(年長者對年輕男子或男孩的愛稱)孩子a friendly form of address that is used by an older man to a young man or boy

Well, son, how can I help you?那麼,孩子,我能爲你做點什麼?

3、男性成員,子孫(某個地方、國家等的)a man who belongs to a particular place or country, etc.

one of Frances most famous sons法國最著名的人士之一

4、孩子(司鐸對男子或男孩的稱呼)used by a priest to address a boy or man

5、聖子(耶穌基督)Jesus Christ as the second member of the Trinity the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit
